Sunday 26 August 2007

Green Thumb Sunday 26th August

Today I decided to enlist the help of my "slash and burn" other half as the garden needed MAJOR blitzing. We bought a rotary clothes airer as we can't fit enough washing on our line but we felt the bushes to the left side of the lawn would snag the clothes on the airer. Also we wanted to get rid of a monster juniper that was threatening to take over. Anyway, whilst Phil attacked the bushes I tackled the pond area. Above is the prunings on the lawn before bagging. It took several trips to cart them all away!

This is a bush I've cut back hard and hope it will recover. I need to plant something small where the juniper was. Something that doesn't dominate and fight back. We needed the help of our friend Andrew with his chain saw and brute strength to get up the stump and roots! I'm also going to plant some bulbs in this border now there is space...

My southernwood was on its last legs so that went too. I'm going to plant some grasses and dwarf conifers in the pots along the side here.

Today was a big day for Basil (above) as we let him outside for the first time. He loved it! I think he really enjoyed going "potty" in all the soft earth instead of the litter tray indoors. Here he is looking with interest at the pond...

I bought two new containers for my bird food. I couldn't resist the sunflower shaped peanut holder! I hope the birds like it too. My honeysuckle next to the back door has died so I threw it away. I'm sad about that; it seemed to be some sort of blight.

Hacking through the undergrowth I discovered my bird bath completely overgrown. I hauled it out and relocated it next to Buttons' bush. I hope the grass recovers. The juniper overhung a lot of lawn. Phil has sunk the hole for the airer and concreted it. It can be removed when not in use so my garden will no longer be draped in washing line. I also managed a little work in the front garden so all in all it was a VERY successful day! Thank goodness the weather was perfect, sunny with a little cooling breeze.

Now I'm off to take a well earned shower and later I hope to visit some gardening blogs. Hope your gardening Sunday was as good as mine :)

To buy:
Dwarf Conifers/grasses for pots
Two SMALL shrubs
Cat statue for Ollie's grave
Weedkiller for path
Sealant for bird bath
New climber for planted by back door


RUTH said...

You have been working hard but there's something enjoyable about hacking and pruning especuially when it gives you space to plant something new! I love the peanut holder ;o) and bet you'll have fun with that shopping list

Aiyana said...

My garden needs tending and I can't wait until fall and the weather cools to get going. My problems are different--I need to rake the granite to rid it of vegetation debris as well as replace plants lost to the heat. Fall is the best time of the year here!
Your cat is really a pretty thing.

RUTH said...

Re foxgloves..there are dwarf forms of foxgloves....they may be a bit easier to manage ;o)

MrBrownThumb said...

Love the cat pic.

Makes you wonder what goes on in their little heads when they encounter something like a living pond.

Catherine said...

Your cat Basil really was intrigued by the pond..nice shot, did he see a fish, or frog, or maybe himself..I bet it was like a whole new world to him!!

JMom said...

wow! I got tired just reading about your Sunday! I do too love that satisfying feeling at the end of the day though when you look at the space you created.

I'm like Basil. I'm drawn to the pond too :)

Sara said...

Wow what a busy day you've had. I love the cat.
Sara from farmingfriends

AphotoAday said...

My goodness -- what a beautiful garden -- I can see that you really enjoy it !