Sunday, 20 May 2007

Green Thumb Sunday

Two photos of some clumps of ferns that just appeared in the garden next to the pond! i'm so glad they arrived; seemed to have settled in well and are thriving!! However the Japanese Acer we planted is not looking too good - the leaves are turning yellow, curling and then going brown.


RUTH said...

Lovely fern but sad to hear about the acer. Have you kept it well watered and is it in a sheltered shady position. They don't like the wind and strong sun.

Jean said...

The ferns are beautiful.

talj said...

Lovely ferns Julie :o) Hope you manage to sort the Acer out, they are very pretty :o)

Leonie said...

Ferns are lovely, they might not have pretty flowers but the texture and pattern of their leaves are fascinating. And they come in so many shades of green.

Michelle said...

Your ferns are beautiful! So, just curious, where in America will you be visiting? Have you been here before? :)

Ladynred said...

Beautiful ferns!

MrBrownThumb said...

Nice pics,

I love ferns and last year took a small clump from a neighbor. Unfortunately they didn't pop up this year and I'm surprised because in the neighbor's yard they're spreading like weeds.

Rising Rainbow said...

I'm not an avid gardener, I do it because I need my yard to look nice when I have my annual open house with my horses. So I really appreciate ferns.

They take up plenty of room, don't take much maintenance. I'm always pleased when I get "volunteers" because it means I have one less plant to worry about.