Tuesday, 15 May 2007

Hawthorn Tree

This is the view from my attic bedroom. I really love this tree. I can't remember it looking so magnificent before. The birds love it too and it's like having some real countryside in my back garden.

I wish I could find some way of stopping Shea chasing frogs! I don't think a bell on a collar would help the way it does with birds. I just have to keep rushing down the garden to check on him...alternatively I could arm the frogs with pepper spray perhaps??


RUTH said...

The tree is beautiful what a great view you have. I think frogs are supposed to taste rather nasty so hopefully the frogs won't come to too much harm. Have a funny picture in my head of Frogs armed with pepper spray...I'm sure there's a cartoon drawing lurking there somewhere.
Happy Gardening

talj said...

Lovely tree :o) Now the frogs...I am sure you should just leave them to it! Either Shea will learn....or the frogs will!

david santos said...

It places fhoto of Madeleine in your bloggue

Missing Madeleine!
Madeleine, MeCann was abduted from Praia da Luz, Portugal on 03/03/07.

If you have any information about her whereabouts, please contact Crimestoppers on 0800555111 Please Help

sonia a. mascaro said...

What a gorgeous tree! You have a wonderful view!