Tuesday, 29 May 2007

Geraniums and Buttons' bush...

I really love the leaves on these geraniums and the way the contrast with that acid-green conifer! This little planter is coming on nicely :)

Below is a flower from Buttons' bush in the garden - it's very pretty.
The rain and sunshine has made the grass suddenly shoot up about 3 inches but it's too wet to cut right now. The forecast for the remainder of the week is not looking conducive to much gardening I'm afraid.

My honeysuckle by the kitchen door is blooming. Also, after rain, the curry plant on the other side of the door smells delicious.

1 comment:

RUTH said...

Stunning plants...we had a curry plant once and one of our neighbours of Asian origin used to come and stand by it saying the smell made him feel right at home.Hope you've a warmer night forecast than we have...frost again!